one thing i've learned & continue to learn: this life is not mine own or about our version of the end result but joyfully & painfully about the transformation process

Thursday, January 27, 2011

unfailing Soveriegnty

the past few months i've been learning and challenged with God's Sovereignty as a whole, not just in the big events and changes in my life or the world but every single activity, event, thought, etc that occurs 24/7 and then my responsibility and need to wholeheartedly trust in Him because of His Sovereignty...i don't have a lot of time to expand on this thought(i'll save it for another post) but i read this devotional this morning that absolutely touches on this subject and wanted to share:

God’s Sovereign Hand

The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.
—Isaiah 50:4 niv

God is sovereign, and he has a sovereign design for each of our lives. But knowing, believing, and having faith in God’s sovereign design does not necessarily mean we like the design. We may actually hate the design.

Do we dare tell God we aren’t crazy about his plan? Of course. He already knows our feelings anyway. He knew what we would be feeling long before we had the experience that produced those feelings. He knows the beginning from the end, including our emotions. So go ahead and boldly tell him what he already knows. And don’t worry, he will receive your emotions.

How do I know? The Bible tells me he knows that humans “are as frail as breath” (Isaiah 2:22). It also tells me, “All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings” (Psalm 36:7).

A part of experiencing his shelter is trusting the one who provides that shelter. We can settle into the comfort of that sheltering promise. We can trust him and have faith in his character of love that a higher good is in the making and that one day, we will look back and say, “Ah, yes . . . God’s hand was in that.”

—Marilyn Meberg (God at Your Wits’ End)

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