one thing i've learned & continue to learn: this life is not mine own or about our version of the end result but joyfully & painfully about the transformation process

Saturday, June 5, 2010

because of God's say-so

most mornings i start my day w/ the breakfast of choice(usually kashi go-lean crunch), a cup(really more like a mug) of coffee, & that day's devo from oswald chambers' "my utmost for his highest". (which you can access via the web: i enjoy each of these because some mornings i don't give myself a lot of time so they give me a verse or two & some thoughts/ideas to really press into throughout the day.

well, saturdays when i don't have to work until later in the day, i like to make homemade whole wheat pancakes(recipe posted at the bottom) & usually i'll scramble an egg but this morning i cooked some sausage my parents gave me. to me, there's just something about a saturday morning when i'm either off or have to close: i don't have to set an alarm, i can actually cook breakfast, and i can take as much time as i want to enjoy my food, coffee & Lord (and even do somethings a mon-fri worker gets to do).

today's verse & read is one of those that i needed to read/forced to really think about. hebrews 13:5-6 are the verses he uses which state that because He said "this" i can boldly say "this". mr. chambers boldly states that "my say-so is to be built on God's say so"...i can't make claims for certain situations that aren't based on what God has said to me via His word but if i read His word, take hold of His promises & embrace who He is then i can boldly say and face any situation. which all of this brought a connection to some verses i've been really dwelling on lately...psalm 18:30-36. because of the truth about the Lord in these verses i can truthfully state when life feels shaky that He is my Rock and when i get caught up in wanting to be great via the world's standards i can remind myself that His gentleness makes me great and when i begin to fear failure of the world's expectations i can boldly claim that His ways are blameless, He makes my ways blameless and He enlarges my steps! Hallelujah, How Great Thou Art!

so the next time(s) i get caught in apprehension or fear i can wholeheartedly take comfort in God's say-so and who He is!

whole-wheat pancakes:
1 egg
1 c milk
1 c flour
1T veg. oil
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
i like to add some vanilla & cinnamon. this recipe is actually half of what the recipe i found said so this one makes close to 10 all depending on the size.

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